
Password Vault


Bad password management is a risk no company can afford.


Think securing your password means putting the sticky note under the keyboard instead of on the monitor? NO! You probably don’t even want to know how users are keeping track of all their passwords. Don’t let bad password habits become commonplace in your office. Sharing passwords over email using sticky notes or spreadsheets to track them…it’s more common than you think, and super risky. With MyGlue, Users Can: store, create, and maintain passwords in a secure app.

Ways to Use MyGlue
Ways to Use MyGlue

Structured Documentation


Document and Share your Business Processes & Policies


Document all of your knowledge including SOPs, How-To docs, policies, contracts and more. MyGlue helps businesses reduce on-boarding times and increase the efficiency of business processes by making sure that everybody has the tools to perform tasks the right way, every time. Use MyGlue to set up and serve standardized templates as flexible assets.




Build checklists to organize your workflow.


It always feels AMAZING to cross things off your to-do list, right? MyGlue comes with a built-in checklists featur to help your team organize tasks and consistently complete tasks more efficiently. Don’t have a project management system? If you adopt MyGlue for password management, your team gets the added benefit of not having to just “wing” their tasks anymore. Yay! A win all around.

Ways to use myglue
Ways to use myglue